Microscope or Telescope

             (Click picture to watch video) It’s not so much about your point of view as it is about understanding and leveraging your point of view. I would probably classify most people as either a microscope or a telescope. A microscope is someone that looks “into things that are” and a telescope is someone who …


                           (Click picture to watch video) Relationships and leadership are very similar in how you view them. Some view them like a glass half-full. Others half-empty. Then there’s always that one that is questioning why the glass. You see it’s not always what you say or even when …


Your life needs either a Tweak, a Pivot, or a Makeover – Part 3 We have all been there in our life or career. You try making adjustments, doing “better”, or doing “more; but it is still not enough. You find yourself still feeling unfulfilled and frustrated. You can keep banging your head against the wall, and still not see …


Your life needs either a Tweak, a Pivot, or a Makeover – Part 2 In another post I talked about the fact that your life or career may need a “Tweak”.Tweaks are simple adjustments that refocus on desired outcomes.These are small but pack a big punch. Now I want to talk about when you need a “pivot”, which is more …


Your life needs either a Tweak, a Pivot, or a Makeover – Part 1 Work-life balance is a fallacy. You are not balanced at any point in your life, but you should be striving for it. You are constantly changing either by growing or shrinking, stopping or starting, getting up or falling down. As you make decisions, big or small, …

Core Values

A GPS has all of the coordinates to help you reach your desired destination. When you begin to stray off course or take a wrong turn, it will immediately alert you of your error. It’s purpose is keep you from going in the wrong direction and if you to show you the way back. Just like a GPS to keep …

Half Finished

I heard a friend say this phrase the other day, “I’m the master of the half-finished.” It made me really start to think about what it meant. I felt like a fox caught in the hen house. That phrase described me on many occasions in my life. I am a visionary with an aggressive personality. I can see things finished, …

Indicator Lights

Often we find things out of balance in our life. They show up in unusual ways or through abnormal behaviors. Have you ever acted or reacted in a certain way and thought, “Why did I do that? That’s not me”. Those are indicators. When things are out of balance in our lives it could be due to stress, depression, over-work, …

Enough is Enough

Life happens. You give and give yet it never seems to be enough. You may feel that your part of the relationship seems to do all of the giving and the other side is doing all of the taking. It could be that your are frustrated with where you are in your career, but are not sure when it is time to pursue something different. You …