Gaining clarity about things that are important The hardest part of day-to-day life is keeping on track and prioritized. In much of our life we major on the minors, and minor on the majors. We start out with good intentions. We aim in the right direction, but for some reason, we easily get off track. Imagine an airplane leaving Atlanta …
Climbing the Ladder of Success
Everyone wants to be successful. We all want to believe that we have reached the pinnacle that gives us admiration, respect, and most of all, success. There is nothing wrong with that if it is for the right reason and done within the right parameters. Those who reach the top of the latter of success by breaking the rules, rarely stay there. Those …
Effectively Communicating Through Conflict – Pt1
No one likes conflict. Most people do not like confrontation. Unfortunately, it happens and you cannot avoid it. The issue is not the fact that conflict happens, as much as it is how we handle it. A great leader has the ability to make a rough situation not look so bad. You can usually diffuse a situation just by handling it properly. It …
Stress Fractures of a Leader
Have you ever noticed how different it is to be the leader? Not only do you have the responsibility for your actions, but also for those following you. Followers have strong opinions about how the leader should lead. They critique your decisions and are quick to make public any misgivings you may have. When you work with a team like this, it causes added stress …
How to Have Your Best Year Yet!
Last Year in REVIEW ~ This Year in VIEW This is the time each year to have a serious reflection about the past year and to gain a clear direction about the coming year. Every year I hear people say (and I have said as well)… “Whew, I’m glad that year is over. I’m ready for a new year”. But in reality, it was not the “year” that was bad; …
Have You had Your 15 Minutes of Fame?
We have all seen the news when a big event happens. The news camera usually focusses on someone who doesn’t have a clue, and the reporter asks questions. This is their time to shine in the sun. They were not expecting it nor were they prepared for it. They say things on live television that will make them kick themselves …
The Go-To Guy
Every organization and every team has a “go-to” person (and every team needs them). They can get something accomplished when it seems like no one else can. Leaders love go-to people. When deadlines are looming and opportunities are opening up, this is the person an organization leans on. If you are the go-to person, or if you would like to be, …
4 Key Leadership Facts about the Rear View Mirror
It’s hot in Georgia. It’s so hot that my rearview mirror fell off of my windshield the other day. The glue just said, “I can’t take it anymore, I give up”. It made me start thinking about why I needed a rearview mirror any way. I was busy and it took me a couple of days to stop by the …
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