Watch the video HERE
In you haven’t already, you may want to first read Effectively Communicating Through Conflict – Part 1.
Conflict makes your blood pressure rise, your mouth dry, your senses heightened, and puts you in self-protection mode. It’s almost like you are in psychological warfare. Well, it’s best to get all parties involved to take a deep breath and calm down, so rationality can prevail. Sounds easy? Not really, but it is possible if one of the sides takes the lead.
You can read the first 3 points here.
4- Learn to listen more than you talk. Even if you have a valid point, it is smart for you to listen to theirs first. The more you understand their point of view, the better prepared you will be to articulate yours. Many people just like to hear themselves talk, so let them. By listening to them you have earned the right for them to listen to you.
5- Do not feel you must win every argument. Some hills are not worth dying on. You may win an argument but lose a friend, or lose a deal. Some people just need to feel they have been heard and validated as a person. You may actually get your way in a situation by allowing them to feel that they won the argument.
You don’t have to win every argument. Leaders grow leaders, not win arguments
6- Organize your thoughts ahead of time. Try to never go into an argument blind-sighted. Before you meet, lay out the options of each direction a conversation may take. Be prepared ahead of time in the event the communication makes a turn down another path. By organizing your thoughts you will be concise and not give out information that you shouldn’t.
7- Timing, timing, timing. There is a right way and a wrong way to do things. There is also a right time and wrong time to deal with issues. After thinking about the other person and the situation, you might ask yourself some of the following questions:
- Are there things going on in “their” life right now?
- After looking at the setting, will this conversation be private?
- Will we both have adequate time and the opportunity to completely open up?
- Are our emotions too high at the present moment?
Just remember…attitude, environment, and timing can make or break good communication.
Attitude, environment, and timing can make or break good communication
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