Preventing Professional Burnout from those you lead – Pt 3

Are you in Burnout Mode or can you see it around the next curve? Part 1
Preventing Professional Burnout – Part 2

  1. Frequent communication –Learn to listen to your employees for key indicators that they are overly stressed or indirectly asking for help. Often they feel as though they can’t say when they feel overloaded for feeling they may be replaced.
  2. Assessing their strengths –When people are working within the areas where they feel the most adequate to perform they tend to be perform at levels that energize them instead of suck the energy out of them. When placed in the right roles their strengths can be utilized.
  3. Workload analysis –The longer an employee is with the same organization the more their workload tends to increase. Through employee attrition and lack of retention the ones that stay take on more responsibilities. Occasionally analyze the workload of each employee. You want them to maintain a load that is productive but also one that gives them room to grow their capacity. Overloaded employees become less productive because they have no capacity to grow themselves.

Would you like to work with a professional coach that could help assess and evaluate where you are and where you want to go? Taking yourself to the next level will probably require someone to walk on the journey with you.  Connexus Group offers Executive Coaching for individuals as well as Mastermind Groups for you to join a community of like-minded leaders. Also, you can contact us directly HERE.