Everyone wants to be successful. We all want to believe that we have reached the pinnacle that gives us admiration, respect, and most of all, success. There is nothing wrong with that if it is for the right reason and done within the right parameters. Those who reach the top of the latter of success by breaking the rules, rarely stay there.
Those who reach the top of the latter of success by breaking the rules, rarely stay there
Some want to be successful but are going about it in unethical, immoral, or at best, unsustainable ways. The problem is that they become successful in things that do not matter, or is not good for them. It is fine to be on a ladder leading toward success as long as it the right one.
Some want to be successful, but are going about it in unethical, immoral, or at best, unsustainable ways
Consider these thoughts about climbing the ladder of success:
1- You can only climb as high as the ladder
While that sounds simplistic, just think about your success ladder. Can it really take you where you need to go? It would be a shame to sell yourself short from what real success could be for you, because you are on the wrong journey.
2- Different ladders are designed for different things
Some ladders are made for specific tasks. If you bring a step ladder to paint a second story wall, you will fall short. If you know where you are going, you will then know which “ladder” to climb.
3- Some ladders are only designed for one person
I believe real success requires others to be on the journey with you. If you are trying to do this “solo” you possibly find yourself at the top, but it will be lonely.
Real success requires others to be on the journey with you
4- Ladders have a weight limit
Some jobs require specific tools and supplies; they need a ladder equipped to handle it. When you start your “career” climb, you will begin to acquire “tools” along with “experience and other baggage”. Be sure you are designed to handle all of it.
5- The foundation on which a ladder stands, is important
If your goals and dreams are not on the proper foundation, they will one day crash to the ground. You cannot build on things that are immoral, or unethical, and expect the “ladder” to survive the climb. You will fall.
6- It would be tragic to climb to the top of the ladder only to find out it was leaning against the wrong wall
I have consulted and coached people who would be considered very successful, but they were unhappy. Many people have “arrived” but did not like their destination.
“Many people have “arrived” but do not like their destination”
It is great to be climbing a ladder toward success, just be sure it is the right ladder and is leaning on the right wall.