How Do The Best Keep Getting Better?
It’s pretty simple. Most of them have coaches and people in their corner who are skilled at helping them when they get stuck and start to plateau. They have discovered the power of inviting someone into their life who has the skills and resources to keep their stories moving forward.
Discovery Call with a Coach
Who is helping you?
Our calling is to come alongside leaders like yourself to help you strengthen your ability to lead yourself well so that you can become more effective at leading others.
- Are you stuck?
- Are you being as effective as you know you can be?
- Are there parts of your life are not going as well as you would like?
It is worth the time and investment!
- You will learn how to consistently focus on who & what matters most.
- You will get clarity on your “hard wiring” and understand how to operate in your strengths and how to avoid your stressors.
- You will get serious traction towards your next big goal and life purpose.
- You will have someone in your corner who knows how to bring out your best.
We have the experience and resources to coach you towards your full potential as a leader. This includes your professional life as well as your personal life. Our purpose is to help continually become more successful in all areas of your life. Although we are able to work with just about anyone, we specialize in working with influential leaders who desire to move to the next level.

Birkman Method
Connexus Group Executive Coaching Tool
- Play the Video below

Coaching Topics

Birkman® Signature Report
- The Birkman Method is a powerful tool that identifies your strengths, behaviors, motivations, and interests.
- The Birkman Method is reliable. This means that the results of the assessment remain relatively stable over time.
- The Birkman Method is valid. This means that statistical studies have been and continue to be conducted to ensure that the assessment measures what is intended
To View a Sample Birkman® Assessment
Birkman 360® Executive Performance Evaluation
Let us survey up to 25 people who are familiar with your leadership. We will assess you on 9 leadership competencies and then together identify where you need to be coached up. It takes courage to face the facts but how else are you going to get better?
To View a Sample Birkman® 360
Team Development
Personality Imprint™ Assessment for Teams
Assesses your Career Competencies, DISC Personality and Learning Styles.
As a result you will: Understand how you solve problems, identify what motivates you and know how you do your best work
To View a Sample Personality Imprint® Assessment
It all begins with a conversation
There are 3 phases to our coaching:
Phase 1:
A simple Discovery Conversation exploring the possibilities of working together. -
Phase 2:
Time of preparing for the coaching relationship including reading assignments, taking the Birkman® and Personality Imprint™ assessments and answering a list of questions. -
Phase 3:
Coaching over the next 12 months achieve the objectives defined in the beginning. We openly discuss your progress and make adjustments as needed so that we meet our objectives.
Examples of the Type of
Coaching Sessions we may have:
- Self leadership strategies and accountability for growth.
- Improving in the 5 areas of self leadership (habits, health, relationships, time, money).
- Living in harmony with your hard wiring (strengths, motivational needs, key stressors).
- Strategies for living and finishing well (goal setting, performance evaluation).
- Improving key personal relationships (spouse, kids, family, friendships).
- Coaching through life transitions.
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