Blind spots are obvious to others but many times oblivious to us
Recently while jogging on a trail in the woods, I encountered a squirrel who stood very still as I passed. The squirrel thought it was invisible. It wasn’t. Your blind spots are the same way. If you do perceive that something is not right, you still try to “act” like everything is fine and “hope” no one notices. Inside you know that something is not right, but can’t identify the issue. Sometimes, you are oblivious that there is a problem at all. You can’t see it because it is “blind” to you, but unfortunately not to everyone else.
The first BIG thing is to identify your blind spots. You are probably thinking, “If I’m blind to them how do I identify them?”. Great question.
In her book, Fearless Leadership, Loretta Malandro, PhD., identified 10 behavioral blind spots that can derail leaders.
These 10 blind spots are:
- Going it alone
- Being insensitive to how your behavior impacts others
- Having an “I know” attitude
- Avoiding the difficult conversations
- Blaming others or circumstances
- Treating commitments casually
- Conspiring against others
- Withholding emotional commitment
- Not taking a stand
- Tolerating “good enough”
What about looking at it through the lens of your Personality?
Below are some typical results you would see if you took the Personality Imprint™ Assessment.
You can take it HERE. Receive 25% OFF!
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D- Dominant Personality
I – Inspiring Personality
S- Supportive Personality
C- Cautious Personality
Next Steps:
- Identify your blind spots
- Address your blind spots
- Eliminate your blind spots
Would you like to take an assessment to better understand your Personality, Career Competency, and Learning Style? They will reveal your BLIND SPOT and a much more!
You can purchase your own Personality Imprint™ Assessment and receive your individual results HERE.
You can get a 25% DISCOUNT. In the License Code Discount box enter: LC-25off
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