Life happens. You give and give yet it never seems to be enough. You may feel that your part of the relationship seems to do all of the giving and the other side is doing all of the taking. It could be that your are frustrated with where you are in your career, but are not sure when it is time to pursue something different. You may have made some poor decisions and it seems you just keep making more. Maybe you have allowed others to hurt you and forgiveness seems too hard.
Are you stuck in a rut, or possibly too settled in your comfort zone? Maybe, you feel like you are stuck and can’t get things moving.? You may be at a crossroads and it’s time to make a decision. You may feel you have taken all you can take.
Well, when is enough, enough?
It might be enough when:
1- You have done more than you normally WOULD
Just because you are frustrated with life or with someone, it does not mean it’s time to give up or change. The first piece of advice is to go to Chick-fil-A and get an ice dream. You will feel better soon.
Seriously, ask yourself:
- Have I really gone the extra mile in this situation?, or
- Am I giving up too quickly or easily?
You might be surprised to find that just when you think you can’t go any further, you can! Look for every opportunity to do your part before giving up or moving on.
It might be enough when:
2- You have done more than you know you SHOULD?
There are some situations that call for an honest assessment of ones self, not just the problem.
- Have I enabled someone or something to dominate my life because I don’t have the heart or guts to deal with it?
- Have I turned the other cheek or allowed someone to run me over time and time again?
- Have I taken the responsibility for something or someone over which I have no control?
- Is the problem going to bed and getting up with me?
Is it dominating my thoughts throughout the day?
“Have you enabled someone or something to dominate your life because you didn’t have the heart or guts to deal with it?”
Certainly, if some “thing” or some “one” needs your help, stay with it. But, if you have done all you can do, it could be time to admit your lack of control over it, and just release it. You may not have control over a situation, but you do have control on how your respond.
“You may not have control over a situation, but you do have control on how your respond.”
It might be enough when:
3- You have done all you possibly COULD
It might be a bad habit or an addiction. Possibly, you have covered up for someone hoping they would straighten up, and it hasn’t happened. Maybe you have allowed something to get to you to the point you are about to explode.
Stop and assess the situation.
- Do I have the ability or authority to change it? If I can, have I tried? If I can’t, why am I worrying about it?
- Have I done everything in my power to correct it? Did it work? Why not? (Obviously not if you are still working on it).
“Do you have the ability or authority to change it? If you can, have you tried? If you can’t, why are you worrying about it?
If everything you know to do is still not enough, you might have to let it go. See how it does without your input for a while. It might be time to grow spiritually, personally, socially, or professionally.
REMEMBER: If you grow to another level as a person there will some people who will not take the journey with you!
Have you every felt like screaming, “That’s enough?” When we learn how to grow through the process, it often propels us to another level as a person or a leader.
Remember this:
If you are going to GO thru it,
be sure to GROW through it!