Your life needs either a Tweak, a Pivot, or a Makeover – Part 2 In another post I talked about the fact that your life or career may need a “Tweak”.Tweaks are simple adjustments that refocus on desired outcomes.These are small but pack a big punch. Now I want to talk about when you need a “pivot”, which is more …
Your life needs either a Tweak, a Pivot, or a Makeover – Part 1 Work-life balance is a fallacy. You are not balanced at any point in your life, but you should be striving for it. You are constantly changing either by growing or shrinking, stopping or starting, getting up or falling down. As you make decisions, big or small, …
Core Values
A GPS has all of the coordinates to help you reach your desired destination. When you begin to stray off course or take a wrong turn, it will immediately alert you of your error. It’s purpose is keep you from going in the wrong direction and if you to show you the way back. Just like a GPS to keep …
Blurring the Lines
Gaining clarity about things that are important The hardest part of day-to-day life is keeping on track and prioritized. In much of our life we major on the minors, and minor on the majors. We start out with good intentions. We aim in the right direction, but for some reason, we easily get off track. Imagine an airplane leaving Atlanta …
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